Performance and Utility
Built to scale the Voluntary Carbon Market and regenerative finance harnessing the power of Web3
Last updated
Built to scale the Voluntary Carbon Market and regenerative finance harnessing the power of Web3
Last updated
Consensus algorithm
QBFT (Quorum Byzantine Fault Tolerance)
Transactions per second
Transaction finality
<2 seconds
The KYOTO Blockchain employs the QBFT (Quorum Byzantine Fault Tolerance) proof of authority (PoA) consensus protocol, specifically tailored for enterprise-grade private networks. In this consensus mechanism, validators, masternodes, and delegators participate in the network, classified based on the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) they hold and their stake in the KYOTO network.
More and more blockchains are moving to the planet-friendly consensus as it uses far less energy, as reducing energy consumption contributes to lowering global emissions. The most notable cryptocurrency that made this transition is Ethereum.
Validators and masternodes, who can own nodes using their corresponding NFTs as proof of ownership, play a crucial role in the QBFT consensus. Once KYOTO receives a new chain head, it initiates the block time timer, which counts down for the duration specified by the block period seconds. When the timer expires, the round timeout timer (request timeout seconds) begins, and the KYOTO Blockchain proposes a new block. If the proposed block isn't added within the request timeout seconds, a round change is triggered, resetting the block time and timeout timers. The timeout period for the new round is then set to twice the value of the request timeout seconds. Additionally, if a round fails to add a block, the timeout period will continue to double with each subsequent round.
The QBFT consensus mechanism is based on the concept of Proof of Authority (PoA), where block validators and masternodes are identified and authorized by a central authority or a group of trusted entities. This approach offers an efficient and controlled environment for specific use cases compared to traditional public blockchains relying on decentralized nodes and proof of work/stake mechanisms.
The KYOTO network implements the QBFT proof of authority (PoA) consensus protocol, where validators and masternodes play crucial roles based on their ownership of NFTs. This PoA-based mechanism ensures efficiency, control, and reward participation in the KYOTO Blockchain ecosystem.
The KYOTO Blockchain is an EVM-compatible blockchain intertwined with principles of Regenerative Finance (ReFi). Giving seamless interoperability with over 40 billion dollars of TVL, KYOTO Blockchain is compatible with blockchains such as Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, FTM AVAX…
Blockchains and DeFi require utility, liquidity, and revenues to be sustainable. We built the KYOTO Blockchain with this in mind. The Kyoto blockchain isn’t just a green solution for the existing EVM market; it will also be the hub for the KYOTO Foundation’s supply chain of businesses, supporting the entire ecosystem.
The KYOTO Blockchain will be a blockchain powered by a circular green economy, hosting our own carbon offset market and creating positive environmental, social, and economic opportunities together with our users.
To ensure our token holders can swap networks seamlessly and generate carbon emission reduction, choosing the proper wireframe for the Kyoto Blockchain was important.
The secure, fast, and robust enterprise solution Hyperledger, an umbrella project of open-source blockchains and related tools, was started in December 2015 by the Linux Foundation and has received contributions from companies like IBM and Intel. These are just some of the reasons why we opted to build KYOTO Blockchain on HyperLedger BESU.
Hyperledger Besu is an Ethereum client designed to be enterprise-friendly for public and private permission network use cases. It can also be run on test networks such as Rinkeby, Ropsten, and Görli. Hyperledger Besu includes several consensus algorithms, including PoW and PoA (IBFT, IBFT 2.0, Etherhash, and Clique). Its comprehensive permission schemes are explicitly designed for use in a consortium environment.
For a blockchain to be successful, it needs to offer a use case that has value to businesses or users. Whether you are new to cryptocurrency, a startup, or an established protocol, the KYOTO Blockchain offers a solution for you.
Whether a ReFi protocol is built on Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, or any other EVM-compatible blockchain, it can bridge its data to KYOTO Blockchain. This makes us unique, as the blockchains mentioned above have no interest in collating data that could be used to help improve our understanding of climate change. will reward ReFi projects for the data it provides through an opt-in program; the data provided will share the origin of the ReFi project but, more importantly, originate from a trusted source.
ReFi protocols do not have to switch to the KYOTO Blockchain, as KYOTO Foundation is developing a solution for established protocols that mirror its project on the KYOTO Blockchain. So it retains 100% of its community and network loyalty but has access to the KYOTO Blockchains tool kit to help assist and scale the project.