📔Smart Contracts (BSC)
This page provides links or locations for KyotoSwap's smart contracts on BNB Smart Chain (BSC)
Main Contracts
The following links will take you to the BSCScan page for KyotoSwap's main smart contracts.
KyotoSwap Masterchef - https://bscscan.com/address/0x0e553D0c74E107aE6e7DD8426577680C2303debf
KyotoSwap Router - https://bscscan.com/address/0x9fd7764e2303E7748736D115304350eC64E403B2
KyotoSwap Factory - https://bscscan.com/address/0x1c3e50dbbcd05831c3a695d45d2b5bcd691ad8d8
Liquidity Pool Contracts
Each liquidity pool created by KyotoSwap has its own smart contract. Follow the steps below to view the LP (liquidity pool) token's smart contract on a specific farm.
1 - Go to the KyotoSwap Farms page and click the row of the farm you want to see the contract for.
2 - When the details section expands out, click the 'View Contract' link on the left to open the contract in BSCScan.
Last updated